Our Edible Hope Program Director, Sara Bates, has given notice that she and her daughter, Willa will be moving to East Wenatchee, WA for a new job and to be closer to family. Sara’s last day in the kitchen will be April 8th. But there will be a few opportunities to say goodbye before she leaves. April 3rd, Sara will be preaching during the Sunday worship service and there will be a special coffee hour to follow. There will also be a gathering of the Edible Hope community on April 8th who will go out for lunch, leaving from the Edible Hope Kitchen at 11:30 a.m. Please let the kitchen know via email if you would like to attend the lunch so we can give the restaurant a heads up on how many to expect.While this is bittersweet news, we wish Sara and Willa the best of luck on this new opportunity, and hope they come visit regularly.
Gifts to Edible Hope in Sara’s honor can be made by check to St. Luke’s with EHK in the memo; or online, using the drop down box to select Edible Hope, and noting that it’s in honor of Sara in the comments.
From the Edible Hope Director
It is always hard to say goodbye to good friends, and it’s even harder to say goodbye to those you consider your village. St. Luke’s and the Edible Hope community have been my village for the past seven years. You have mourned the passing of friends and family with me, and you have celebrated guests being housed and finding meaningful employment. You helped me welcome my daughter, Willa, to this world and to the love and life of Christ through baptism. You have supported me through the ups and downs of being an aspirant, finding my own style of leadership, and working beside me in the Edible Hope Kitchen. I can’t thank you all enough for walking with me these seven years. I am sad to be leaving you all, but also excited to stretch myself in a new position and be able to better support my family, with help from Willa’s grandparents. The time to say goodbye will come too quickly, but please know that I carry you in my heart.
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