By Our Love – Stewardship 2022

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Thank you for supporting St. Luke’s, helping create beloved community, worship, and care for our neighbors and the earth, while pointing to God for blessings during both dark and joyful times. You help St. Luke’s be a place where “They will know we are Christians by our love.”

Even if you haven’t set foot in St. Luke’s recently, or ever, you still belong to this beloved community. Zoom made it possible for us to worship together while we’re apart and brought us members who may never physically join us. Hybrid church will continue so you can always worship with us. While the pandemic hangs around we offer several ways to reconnect (below).

In a pandemic, we’ve fed people five days a week, enjoyed a Christmas cookie exchange, figured out communion without a common cup, had another Spiritual Pilgrimage, kept all our staff employed, walked Holy Week together, prayed, and studied Black preachers with Phinney Lutheran, celebrated new babies, and sent Britt on a long-awaited sabbatical. With the support of this community, we continue to move forward.

St. Luke’s is for everyone—regardless of wealth, race, sexual identity, age, housing status, or anything else. With God’s help serving neighbors, welcoming new members, seeking mercy and justice, growing gardens, and caring for creation happen because of our love.

One way we show this commitment is by supporting God’s work here and prioritizing giving to St. Luke’s. Where our treasure is, our heart is also. Please pledge your support to St. Luke’s. Risk generosity, knowing that you can always change your pledge if you need to. Help St. Luke’s to be a place where the world will see love. Thanks!

You can make a pledge online here. 

In gratitude,

On behalf of St. Luke’s Stewardship Team

Please join us as you’re able for one or more of these events

November 14, 11:30am • Death and Donuts to plan our end of life

November 21, 11:30am • Celebration Sunday coffee hour following our pledge ingathering

If you can’t come in person, we’ll have signups for delivery of goodies and communion!

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