Holy Week and Easter at St Luke’s

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In this season of Lent we have been ‘walking wet’ with Jesus and his disciples; hearing the stories of a woman at Jacob’s well, a blind man cured by mud and a word from Jesus, blood flowing through Lazarus once again. Come, walk with us through Holy Week as we approach Jerusalem–and Golgotha–together.

We begin the week (April 2) with the celebration of the Palms, then quickly turn to the story of the Passion.
Maundy Thursday (April 6) begins the Easter Triduum, or the three days of preparation for a feast. Our service includes a traditional footwashing, in imitation of Jesus who washed the disciples feet before his final meal (John 13:1-17).
Good Friday services at 12noon and 7pm will include adoration of the cross and a full reading of John’s Passion narrative.
We celebrate the Great Vigil Saturday night with a Great Party afterwards! The Easter Vigil is an ancient tradition that begins in darkness, then glows brighter with the lighting of candles. The worship is punctuated by candle flame, prayers and songs, baptismal waters, and concludes with a real feast. If you have not participated in such a service before, come and see how Jesus followers have celebrated new life in Christ for centuries.

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